New thinking can lead to new opportunities.
Happening Now
State lawmakers, the Wolf administration and the business community have worked in a bipartisan fashion to make significant improvements to the Commonwealth’s tax structure. This historic reform will make it more attractive for businesses to expand or relocate in Pennsylvania.
Stunted Growth
Pennsylvania’s population increase is meager. We rank among the 8th slowest growing states. That prevents us from having a robust workforce and reduces our representation in DC. We need to attract more people to live and work in PA.

It's time to take action and make PA a better place.
This is your state, your home. You should have a say in where it’s headed. Be part of Together for PA and its plan for positive change.
Energy Leader
PA ranks number 1 in the nation as a net electricity exporter. It is also among national leaders for natural gas production, coal exports and electricity produced from nuclear power. How can we leverage our leadership to create more opportunities?

Be part of the plan for positive change.
Address issues that can power our state forward and improve the quality of life for all citizens. Join Together for PA.

Brain Drain
In 2019, almost half of those who left the state were between 18 and 34 years of age. PA needs to give our younger generations more reasons to stay and help offset our aging workforce. We have the resources and potential to become more competitive.